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Do I Really Need a Personal Injury Attorney?

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What kinds of cases do personal injury lawyers handle?

Personal injuries due to car accidents, dog bites, dangerous and defective products, food poisoning, or dangerous conditions on someone’s land are sustained by millions of Americans every year; these are all considered personal injury cases. An injury can have severe and long-lasting effects on your life. For any injury that causes pain that lasts for longer than a few days and that requires medical care, you should hire an injury attorney. Having a personal injury attorney represent you can give you the compensation you deserve.

Why is having a personal injury lawyer important?

Often times, the people responsible for your injuries are insured. Their insurance companies would handle any claims you bring against their insured. Insurance companies want to avoid paying the claims of injured people. They can delay your claims process, offer unreasonably low offers, and may even deny liability. Having a personal injury attorney on your side, will make sure that the insurance company does not take advantage of you.  It is also imperative to contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible after you have been injured. The reason for this being, say you are in a car accident, the insurance company will try to contact you quickly. They want to handle the claim as soon as possible. This is because they know most people do not understand all of the complicated laws and procedures that take place in a personal injury claim. They use this to their advantage to sometimes deny even legitimate claims.

How are personal injury attorneys paid?

It costs you nothing up-front to hire a personal injury attorney. Personal Injury cases are done on a contingency fee basis. This means that you won’t pay attorney fees unless you are awarded compensation for your injuries or other damages.

How do I find a good personal injury lawyer?

Because Injury claims require specialized skills and a thorough knowledge of the legal system, you should hire the best personal injury attorney to represent you. You shouldn’t face the insurance companies alone. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your options.

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